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FREE Security Audit

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Complete our free, quick and easy ‘Vulnerability Assessment’ today to ensure your business security.


    About You


    Vulnerability Risk


    Incident Response


    Multi-factor Authentication


    Password & Mobile Security


    End-Point Protection


    End-User Devices




    Dark Web Scanning & Detection


    Cyber Insurance


    Security Assessment


    More Info

    A Security Threat Risk Assessment will help you to define your business’s current state of security and provide a roadmap to a desired future state by mapping security solutions to business goals.

    If a business has chosen a security standard to measure itself against, it’s a good indicator that it has some cybersecurity controls in place.

    A well-rehearsed incident response plan helps businesses know their priorities ahead of time. In a crisis, employees won’t have time to determine whether they can keep systems running or whether they have secure system back ups in place.

    This is important as you can’t secure what you don’t know you have. If a business doesn’t know what software it has, it has no way of identifying vulnerable or malicious software.

    The more layers of protection your business has, the safer it will be, this can be achieved via Multi-Factor Authentication.

    It can be difficult to figure out if someone else is using your account, so by changing your password consistently, you reduce the risk that other people will have frequent access to your accounts.

    Are all your employees passwords for organization data set to a minimum standard of 8 in length with special and numerical characters?

    Do you have Multifactor authentication enabled for your organisation?

    Is Mobile Device Management enabled for mobile phones and tablets?

    Does your business utilize End-Point Protection such as Antivirus or Firewall Prevention Software

    Cyber and Security takes one step up, As a Director you have the responsibility to ensure your business is protected from the attacks, dark web scanning functions, vulnerability monitoring, Mobile Device management and many other resources are available. Do you have any additional prevention services in place?

    Are your end user computers, mobiles, tablets and other tech equipment proactively kept up to date, if so do you know how its maintained?

    Does your organization have a Firewall/ or any Infrastructure in your physical office location?

    How is it maintained, does it receive regular checkups or software updates? It is crucial these are maintained daily in order to prevent attack and comply with business security and cyber best practices.

    Does your business do dark-web scanning daily or bi-weekly?

    its paramount that all businesses implement vulnerability and dark web scanning to their Technologies module, where 10 years ago the baseline of security was situated just to have a anti-virus and firewall. IT has advanced since then and the new norm is to have such prevention in place, would you like to hear more on this?

    Do you have Cyber Insurances in place for your business?

    It is crucial to ensure you are cyber ready and protection from Cyber Crime. It is not about "if" you will be attacked its "when". Statistics has shown directors to be penalized for neglecting IT and its resources for their business due to this fact, would you like to discuss how you get "Cyber Ready" and Insured at the same time?

    Has your business ever had a security assessment?

    To even consider getting Cyber Insurances, it is mandatory to ensure you have a robust plan and assessment in place for improvements/ weaknesses, would you like to hear more about this?

    Do you have a disaster recovery plan in place?

    Do you have a IT Governance plan in place?